Sunday, June 12, 2011

Day 47~

"Tough times don't last but tough people do."

A.C. Green

   People can be divided into 3 groups. Those who make things happen, those who merely watch things happen, and those who wonder what the heck happened. 
   I Have lost 14.5 pounds as of today.  Sometimes I have to stand on the scale for a good long minute, I still can't believe I have lost this much in 47 days. 
   I have did beyond my normal of 3 weeks on a diet plan.  I cannot name a specific reason why it just seems to be working it's magic.   There is no Magic.   My Tops group is such a great support, My weekly weigh-ins help me be accountable.  Maybe it's me, changing my habits one habit at a time.    Mostly I believe I can do it this time so each day that goes by I get more confident and stronger. 
   My meals today:
Breakfast  Yogurt & granola
Lunch        Turkey burger w/ swiss and mustard, baked potato and 1 cups of raw carrots
Dinner       Pork Tenderloin, Steamed Broccoli, Sweet potato
Snack       Orange, Fruit Bar
Water        60 oz.

 Aim is 1500 calories a day and cardio 4-5 days a week , resistance training twice a week.

Goal is to drink all my water and to move move move....

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