Sunday, June 5, 2011

Day 40

" What we shall prepare for We shall Get"~William Grahm Sumner

Today is Day 40.
I know there are some ppl who recommend you not weigh yourself everyday but I really need to weigh everyday.  Yes it could be frustrating but for me, If I get too comfortable, I tend to want to Stray.  I am 328.2 as of today.  To date that is a 10 lbs.  So today I know I need to drink alot of water.  I've been yo-yo-ing a bit...just trying to think positive tho.
   I know I do much better if I plan everything I eat.  This week I'm learning how to decide on what is hunger, cravings and desire.
   I know there are times after dinner, I feel like I should eat something else...Lately I've been waiting, thinking to are you really hungary?  I am learning to eat til i'm satisfied and not overstuffed.    It's a process tho, to measure everything, i'm learning what is a normal portion.  So some new habits for me is dividing up the plate, half vegtables, 1/4 protein, and 1/4 starch and 1 cup raw vegtables. 
    Today is biggest loser on the wii...I really enjoy this activity, it's a variety of excercises, excercises i can actually do...there's a few i can't do but i just adapt, 
    I made an agreement with myself, that i would try and do an activity everyday. Just move, whatever it is. 
     My habits so far, Journaling everything I eat, Drinking water, Moving Daily, eating Healthy meals.  Tonight Will be chicken stirfry over brown rice and a cup of raw vegtables.  Lunch is cheese Sandwhich with a cup of Soup. 
     Investing in my health is a work in progress :)

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