Saturday, June 4, 2011

weekend turnaround

so today is technnically week 7.  Weekends have never been my strongpoint.  You get out of your weekday routine, you get comfortable and you get in a mind set of relaxing.  I know I have struggled the last two weeks.  Being honest here though not following the plan to a "T", let me tell you the scale does not lie.  It has been frustrating, losing two, gaining one, gaining two, losing one...I do know though I'm in a different place, reading this book called "the Beck Diet Solution" is helping me tremondously.  I did not realize that i have alot of sabotaging behavior and that i needed to replace that with more reinforced thinking.   I had a pattern of staying with a diet for about 3 or 4 weeks, then i would get defeated and talking myself into not sticking with it.  My thoughts would be , oh i'll eat off the plan for today the tomorrow i'll get back on it, pretty soon one day would turn into two, three, and four...
     So today I took time to make baked chicken breasts with balsmic & honey & breadcrumbs, and a big salad.  I did my cardio early or else i will talk myself out of it :)  I rowed about 2760 meters today i 20 minutes on my rowing machine and i did my bike for 3 miles...did some light weightraining. 
      Today is a positive day because i have lost 2 inches around my hips, chest, waist and arms....Pretty Amazing :) 
       "to Thine own Self be True"!  What inspires me?  I think now it is these changes are bringing some big results finally!!!!

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