Wednesday, June 8, 2011

4 lbs

"If I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning." ~Gandhi

   I couldn't go to sleep without blogging about my results.  Tonight was my tops meeting.  I am happy to report i had a 4 lb. loss.  I'm happy but still apprehensive, Like i kind of don't trust myself yet.   I have been here before to this point but I can't help thinking why will this time be different?  Have you ever gotten to a point where you want  something so bad you will do what you have to to get it.  Do You have the "Ganas" (desire) to go after it?   I ask myself this every morning.  I go over the reasons in my head my reasons for losing weight, it's not because i want to be the hottest thing to walk the earth.
  1. I would love to be able to run up and down the stairs normally, which i cannot do since my acl surgery and i know it has alot to do with my weight.
  2. My graft could fail if I do not excercise regularly.
  3. I want to be healthy not having the diabetes scare hanging over my head.
  4. I want to be able to get up off the floor like a normal person.
  5. I want to know what's it's like to ride a bike again, that was my true love growing up.
  6. To run in a marthon would be a dream.
  7. I would love for my family to see me healthy.  I have battled being overweight my whole entire life. 
  8. To have a baby would be a huge blessing ...
These are my reasons...
I have to believe with all that I am, I will Make it happen not today or tomorrow but soon.

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