Monday, June 6, 2011


"It was a high counsel that I once heard given to a young person, "Always do what you are afraid to do."

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Today I lost about 2 lbs.  I drank a ton of water yesterday though, i'm behind today.
My calves are soooooooo sore, from that huge walk yesterday evening.  We walked about 1.19 miles.  Cripe for some reason walking on a straightway seems challenging well heck walking period is a challenge for me.  I cant wait for the day when it gets a little easier, I mean carrying around all this extra weight is a challenge for me.  I hate the looks i get some im contagious or something or ppl feeling sorry.   In a way i hate it when society will judge you cuz your so big but even when you try and do something they still give you looks doesn't bother me though as much as it used to.  I breathe the same air as they do :) 
   Even as sore as my legs were, i still got out there today...I don't know if i placed my pedometer right...anyway i walked another 40 minutes. 
    I need to get some weightraining in there plan is to do that 2-3 times a week. 
    Today Im trying to be diligent, i have the tops weigh in tomorrow.  Being a part of this group really really helps me stay on plan.  It is true motivation.  The ladies are so encouraging.  I finally have this 28 day plan written out, so i can have more of an idea of what i should be eating.  Some days i don't eat enough. 
    Is it ever tough though, to try and keep the scale going down...
    Let's hope I can do it!!!!  I was 326.7 today...last week when i weighed i was about 331...but then again it's like tomorrow evening and you weigh with clothes that's a bit different...
    Journaling, moving everyday, and eating mindfully is what seems to be doing wonders...

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