Sunday, June 12, 2011

Day 47~

"Tough times don't last but tough people do."

A.C. Green

   People can be divided into 3 groups. Those who make things happen, those who merely watch things happen, and those who wonder what the heck happened. 
   I Have lost 14.5 pounds as of today.  Sometimes I have to stand on the scale for a good long minute, I still can't believe I have lost this much in 47 days. 
   I have did beyond my normal of 3 weeks on a diet plan.  I cannot name a specific reason why it just seems to be working it's magic.   There is no Magic.   My Tops group is such a great support, My weekly weigh-ins help me be accountable.  Maybe it's me, changing my habits one habit at a time.    Mostly I believe I can do it this time so each day that goes by I get more confident and stronger. 
   My meals today:
Breakfast  Yogurt & granola
Lunch        Turkey burger w/ swiss and mustard, baked potato and 1 cups of raw carrots
Dinner       Pork Tenderloin, Steamed Broccoli, Sweet potato
Snack       Orange, Fruit Bar
Water        60 oz.

 Aim is 1500 calories a day and cardio 4-5 days a week , resistance training twice a week.

Goal is to drink all my water and to move move move....

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

4 lbs

"If I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning." ~Gandhi

   I couldn't go to sleep without blogging about my results.  Tonight was my tops meeting.  I am happy to report i had a 4 lb. loss.  I'm happy but still apprehensive, Like i kind of don't trust myself yet.   I have been here before to this point but I can't help thinking why will this time be different?  Have you ever gotten to a point where you want  something so bad you will do what you have to to get it.  Do You have the "Ganas" (desire) to go after it?   I ask myself this every morning.  I go over the reasons in my head my reasons for losing weight, it's not because i want to be the hottest thing to walk the earth.
  1. I would love to be able to run up and down the stairs normally, which i cannot do since my acl surgery and i know it has alot to do with my weight.
  2. My graft could fail if I do not excercise regularly.
  3. I want to be healthy not having the diabetes scare hanging over my head.
  4. I want to be able to get up off the floor like a normal person.
  5. I want to know what's it's like to ride a bike again, that was my true love growing up.
  6. To run in a marthon would be a dream.
  7. I would love for my family to see me healthy.  I have battled being overweight my whole entire life. 
  8. To have a baby would be a huge blessing ...
These are my reasons...
I have to believe with all that I am, I will Make it happen not today or tomorrow but soon.

Monday, June 6, 2011


"It was a high counsel that I once heard given to a young person, "Always do what you are afraid to do."

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Today I lost about 2 lbs.  I drank a ton of water yesterday though, i'm behind today.
My calves are soooooooo sore, from that huge walk yesterday evening.  We walked about 1.19 miles.  Cripe for some reason walking on a straightway seems challenging well heck walking period is a challenge for me.  I cant wait for the day when it gets a little easier, I mean carrying around all this extra weight is a challenge for me.  I hate the looks i get some im contagious or something or ppl feeling sorry.   In a way i hate it when society will judge you cuz your so big but even when you try and do something they still give you looks doesn't bother me though as much as it used to.  I breathe the same air as they do :) 
   Even as sore as my legs were, i still got out there today...I don't know if i placed my pedometer right...anyway i walked another 40 minutes. 
    I need to get some weightraining in there plan is to do that 2-3 times a week. 
    Today Im trying to be diligent, i have the tops weigh in tomorrow.  Being a part of this group really really helps me stay on plan.  It is true motivation.  The ladies are so encouraging.  I finally have this 28 day plan written out, so i can have more of an idea of what i should be eating.  Some days i don't eat enough. 
    Is it ever tough though, to try and keep the scale going down...
    Let's hope I can do it!!!!  I was 326.7 today...last week when i weighed i was about 331...but then again it's like tomorrow evening and you weigh with clothes that's a bit different...
    Journaling, moving everyday, and eating mindfully is what seems to be doing wonders...

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Day 40

" What we shall prepare for We shall Get"~William Grahm Sumner

Today is Day 40.
I know there are some ppl who recommend you not weigh yourself everyday but I really need to weigh everyday.  Yes it could be frustrating but for me, If I get too comfortable, I tend to want to Stray.  I am 328.2 as of today.  To date that is a 10 lbs.  So today I know I need to drink alot of water.  I've been yo-yo-ing a bit...just trying to think positive tho.
   I know I do much better if I plan everything I eat.  This week I'm learning how to decide on what is hunger, cravings and desire.
   I know there are times after dinner, I feel like I should eat something else...Lately I've been waiting, thinking to are you really hungary?  I am learning to eat til i'm satisfied and not overstuffed.    It's a process tho, to measure everything, i'm learning what is a normal portion.  So some new habits for me is dividing up the plate, half vegtables, 1/4 protein, and 1/4 starch and 1 cup raw vegtables. 
    Today is biggest loser on the wii...I really enjoy this activity, it's a variety of excercises, excercises i can actually do...there's a few i can't do but i just adapt, 
    I made an agreement with myself, that i would try and do an activity everyday. Just move, whatever it is. 
     My habits so far, Journaling everything I eat, Drinking water, Moving Daily, eating Healthy meals.  Tonight Will be chicken stirfry over brown rice and a cup of raw vegtables.  Lunch is cheese Sandwhich with a cup of Soup. 
     Investing in my health is a work in progress :)

Saturday, June 4, 2011

weekend turnaround

so today is technnically week 7.  Weekends have never been my strongpoint.  You get out of your weekday routine, you get comfortable and you get in a mind set of relaxing.  I know I have struggled the last two weeks.  Being honest here though not following the plan to a "T", let me tell you the scale does not lie.  It has been frustrating, losing two, gaining one, gaining two, losing one...I do know though I'm in a different place, reading this book called "the Beck Diet Solution" is helping me tremondously.  I did not realize that i have alot of sabotaging behavior and that i needed to replace that with more reinforced thinking.   I had a pattern of staying with a diet for about 3 or 4 weeks, then i would get defeated and talking myself into not sticking with it.  My thoughts would be , oh i'll eat off the plan for today the tomorrow i'll get back on it, pretty soon one day would turn into two, three, and four...
     So today I took time to make baked chicken breasts with balsmic & honey & breadcrumbs, and a big salad.  I did my cardio early or else i will talk myself out of it :)  I rowed about 2760 meters today i 20 minutes on my rowing machine and i did my bike for 3 miles...did some light weightraining. 
      Today is a positive day because i have lost 2 inches around my hips, chest, waist and arms....Pretty Amazing :) 
       "to Thine own Self be True"!  What inspires me?  I think now it is these changes are bringing some big results finally!!!!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Tops Journey "Life Begins with Tops"

     Where do I begin...hmmm Well I been going thru alot of ups and downs the past few years.  I found out I was vitamn D defficent...which is part of it.   I have been suffering with depression for alot of years, which I can say is very hard for me to admit but my husband has been very understanding. 
      Let's just say my fresh started April 26th, 2011.  So It's been about A month, I joined tops finally.  I have known about it for so many years but I just never had the courage to do a program like this.  Then It's like they say you hit your bottom and it helps get you to this place where you feel like you can do it.  Today is June 3rd, I am 327 today. A 11 lb. loss so far.  I have worked so hard for it....I have not slipped into my usual pattern of giving up 3 or 4 weeks later.  It's one day at a time, one emotion at a time.  What I loved about this program is they encourage you to excercise 4-5 days a week so diet and excercise together you take off pounds sensibly. 
        We say this pledge Part of it goes :   I will control my emotions and not let my emotions control me...
The first time I said this pledge, I felt like I was finally at a place of understanding where I was not gonna be judged and I felt safe.
         I wouldn't say the program is hard, it's more like changing your lifestyle takes work.  To adopt new habits takes time and diligence.  It's alot of being in a place where you feel like you are ready.  Believe me, if you are not ready, you will do everything to sabotage yourself.   It's alot of soul searching...Are you ready to change your life? 
         It's been trial and error for me...i realize though your body tells the truth, you cannot fool anyone ;-)  This week I've been getting in all my excercise, eating my vegtables, trying to stay away from the processed food. 
       "a Stronger Body starts with a Stronger Mind"