Thursday, September 1, 2011

Bellevue Farmer's Market “If we're growing, we're always going to be out of our comfort zone.”

These are My treasures today, I am kind of proud of myself, I went outside my box and went to farmer's market.  I tried my best to look like i knew what i was doing hahaha :P
It's my first time to a farmer's market.  So many things I have never cooked, like beet's , i'm gonna try this Chard, I've done mustard green's so I'm venturing out more.   I seen these onions the size of grapefruit, and those beef steak tomatoes were melons, holay.    Bakeries, Mexican Cuisine, Pizza's, Cheese, Wine, gosh you name it.   I treated myself to Lavender Honey Icecream.  She gave me a sample of the tomato basil sorbet, goodness, that is interesting .  I think it's amazing!  What I have noticed is my taste buds are changing the longer I am on this healthy Journey.  My philosphy is I will try everything once.  I'm trying my best to steer away from the processed foods more and more.    I never used to like peaches, but this summer they were my most favorite.    SO I'm lookign forward to my next adventure.  I want to expierence new things.  The key really is just moving more. 
I might post a chard recipe if I find a good one :)
I started this rower challenge last night.  It's a 31 week rowing program I downloaded from Concept 2. 
  Researching My next adventure!

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