Thursday, August 4, 2011

On a high

"Keep some room in your for the unimaginable." -Mary Oliver

      The last few weeks 4 to be exact, I have been staying at about the same weight.  I started just this week doing a food journal and along with that charting my mood along with it, my therapist recommended i do this.
One of the ladies in my group at tops recommended doing the celestial teas which are fruit flavored, to get the water intake in.  So I been doing that this week , man what a difference.
      This mood journaling, really keeps you aware of your hunger factor and asks you are you really hungary or are you eating for comfort?  My therepist also recommended I try getting in 5 servings of fruit and vegtables every day...goodness, it's alot harder then it sounds.
      Today i had a brisk walk, 35 minutes today.  Man the sun was blaring right down on me, so i found myself trying to hurry and get to the next shade of tree's ...So I'm gonna do some weight training today tooo.  I was kind of worried about a week ago, i pushed myself too hard, was doing this circuit training, doing alot of step ups and i really over did it.  It just a reminder to me this is not a sprint, it is a long long marathon and I must pace myself to stay in this race. 
      I am in such a different place, then a few years ago, I remember i would just sabotage myself but this tops program , my therapist are really really helping me stay true.
      My therapist told me, it is typical to lose 20, and plateau but she said don't give up, keep excercising...
      This is new territory for me, I have never been below 319, on a diet ever...
      It is believing I can do it, stick with it, and telling myself now, healthy is good, not eating healthy isn't really acceptable anymore. 
      So no matter how hard your day may be, just don't ever let go....

317 Today!!!

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