Sunday, August 14, 2011

Staying on Track

"You won't realize the distance you've walked until you take a look around & realize how far you've been."~

    Day 108- I won't say I have not had slips in these 108 days.  I am human, I am overweight, and it's habits I am changing day by day, sometimes it goes hour to hour. 
    It's about taking it at my speed, I am setting the pace for myself.  At first I thought, oh i should be at a 40 lb. loss by now.  It's all about the big numbers but then i was setting myself to fail or an old pattern i would always set.  Make it or break it.  It's about learning and relearning...
    Here are some tips I have learned
  1. Realizing my slip- Admitting it, to myself, the hardest part...
  2. Recommitting yourself to your plan-
  3. Drawing the line-  Making it clear to yourself, ya i went off plan but this is no reason to keep overeating the entire day.  Set up some things to distract yourself from over eating, brushing your teeth, keeping busy with a project, or blog.
  4. Giving yourself credit for stopping -  Don't be hard on yourself, oh man this is one i'm bad at too,  give yourself a pat on the back for admitting it...
  5. Watch out for feeling like you failed or feeling helpless:  Here is where the sabotage thinking has hurt you, to change have to realize mistakes are a part of this process.
  6. continue to eat as planned:  Don't go starving yourself for the rest of the day. 
  7. Learn from your mistake :  Identify it, unplanned eating, maybe went to a potluck, maybe it was a trigger you had. 
Recommit and Don't give in to your thoughts that say, i might as well give up...
It is like walking a are about halfway thru that mile, your tired, and your not sure if your gonna make it, are you gonna turn around and say what the hell, I can't make it, i might as well give up and go back home!   No your gonna keep pushing thru it, and keep going!!!!  Your not gonna stop til you get across that finish line.

I remember not long ago, eating vegtables and fruit was something i had to force myself to do, fries and a hamburger was my happy zone,  and making time for cardio was a nightmare to me.   Don't get me wrong i still have a hamburger but i'm smarter about option is the smallest portion and usually i get a salad with it, and i taste my husbands fries... It reminds me of how much i overate...and i did.  I have come quite a ways...I feel like I'm still walking up that steep hill, I have not reached my peak yet ;-)

Stay strong, keep will all be worth it

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