Saturday, September 24, 2011

What is This Fat Girl's Limit?

  So I been on this journey for 150 days.  I would love to say what a beautiful relavation it's been but i would be lying if i told you it was all roses and daises.  That's what makes it all the more valuable to me.  Nobody is giving me this on a silver platter, I must dig deep for motivation every day.   I look back to all those times I attempted weightloss and I know that I never pushed myself.  Was  it  that i was scared of what i was capable of?  Or was I scared I would fall short of the expectation of my goal?  Would it hurt that i would disappoint myself yet again?   What I didn't know all along was , I needed to believe in myself.  What does that mean exactly?  It means telling myself that I deserve to be happy and healthy.  Not hurt anymore from this weight,  This weight was killing me.  I tried my hardest to act like it wasn't effecting me but everyday was a struggle. 
    I woke up one morning, told myself no matter what happens, I am not allowing myself to take the easy way out anymore.  Once you get over the denial of why you gained weight you see for maybe the first time, how to fight your way back :)
   SO I got this idea of how can i challenge myself.  I signed up to do the logbook for  .  I saw there this challenge of 100,000 meters the teams do.  I thought for a long awhile i thought oooo, i can do this challenge, as my own personal challenge.    SO the 4th will be my 30 days...right now on this 24th day of September I am at 70,000 meters.   It's been a huge mountain, I feel like I'm up at the very last pass, ready to peak over, to see the viewpoint. 
   It's amazing how many muscles you use while rowing. 
It used to be so hard for me, i was only able to do 10 minutes at a time, now i'm up to 30 minutes. 
You better believe I will post my challenge win blog :D  

"whether i fail or succeed shall be no mans doing but my own, i am the force"

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Challenge : To Make or Give Voice to

Oh man! There is no planet, sun or star that could hold you, if you but knew what you are. -Ralph Waldo Emerson~

    I swear this is an Everyday battle.  Everyday I feel different.  I am defining my own Path and my own way.  So many people want to say they have the formula, just do a , b, c , & d and poof you'll lose the weight.   Some days I wish it were that easy.  There's so many factors, you fight with yourself everyday. 
     This picture is a path I walk,  but you see there's a bend in the road, that represents, my challenge.   Do I know what is around that corner?  Not always but I have to just keep putting one foot in front of the other, no matter if fear is there or not.    My life has always been on this path but always it has been to many times, that i would start walking on it, then half way thru i would just doubt myself and feel afraid what changes will come.
      This walk has been different though.  I believe in the power of my self discovery.  I will not let myself fear change and I will not let myself give in, and I will look at my reflection with resolve. 
      Challenge is a big word that has made me think about prospective.   I started logging my rowing meters at concept 2.  On there I saw a challenge.  100,000 meters ... at first i thought oh that would be a someday thing for me.  Then I began thinking, I need to challenge myself, Give myself Reason.  So I set myself on this challenge.   I't's my own personal challenge,  I am testing myself.  30 days of rowing 3,350 meters a day.    What will this show me?  It will show me anything is possible if you have the DESIRE.   To Push myself, to see what limits my new body has.  Tough is pushing thru the fog and believing that you can and will do anything you set out to do, Do not put a limit on yourself, Be brave to put your sail up and see where the wind will carry you.
     Day 4 of my rowing Challenge.  

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Bellevue Farmer's Market “If we're growing, we're always going to be out of our comfort zone.”

These are My treasures today, I am kind of proud of myself, I went outside my box and went to farmer's market.  I tried my best to look like i knew what i was doing hahaha :P
It's my first time to a farmer's market.  So many things I have never cooked, like beet's , i'm gonna try this Chard, I've done mustard green's so I'm venturing out more.   I seen these onions the size of grapefruit, and those beef steak tomatoes were melons, holay.    Bakeries, Mexican Cuisine, Pizza's, Cheese, Wine, gosh you name it.   I treated myself to Lavender Honey Icecream.  She gave me a sample of the tomato basil sorbet, goodness, that is interesting .  I think it's amazing!  What I have noticed is my taste buds are changing the longer I am on this healthy Journey.  My philosphy is I will try everything once.  I'm trying my best to steer away from the processed foods more and more.    I never used to like peaches, but this summer they were my most favorite.    SO I'm lookign forward to my next adventure.  I want to expierence new things.  The key really is just moving more. 
I might post a chard recipe if I find a good one :)
I started this rower challenge last night.  It's a 31 week rowing program I downloaded from Concept 2. 
  Researching My next adventure!